Original Post
Something happened yesterday........
Something very improtant happened yesterday. It has shocked me to my core :s

It will probbably do the same to you unless you have 2 body bags ready to throw all your life and soul into when you read this :/

18th of Jan 5:00pm GMT +13 time 2008.


Bow to me
Addicted-re 07-16

24/07/2019. I'll find you again my friend.

"I like to visualise icky in the astral realm fighting off the spambots (alien-robot hybrid species) singlehandedly and trying to scan their brains to find out which evil mastermind is sending them" ~ rola
Oh fucking congratulations

Woo, we have ub3r world champion in our clan.

Addicted ftw

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos

OMG your fucking kidding me >:O

that aint fair >:/
Addicted-re 07-16

24/07/2019. I'll find you again my friend.

"I like to visualise icky in the astral realm fighting off the spambots (alien-robot hybrid species) singlehandedly and trying to scan their brains to find out which evil mastermind is sending them" ~ rola
woot ? u really did it ? u won th WC O.o

yay our training was usefull ( remember?) ^^

ohh and gratz champ
pwned by white belts:∞ times
sold my soul for 80 tc to this guy :3
dude... congratulations! what did you get?
Talk your shit, be yourself
play the cards that you've been dealt. -E-Dubble

Hxcbbqimo: you're german
Hxcbbqimo: so you don't count
Need of fighting again ;x

Shock, shoopdawhoop Kai

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos