This has been suggested many times, and it would be good for the game's life span and a good move for tb next, my concerns are more on actual gameplay and we what we should expect to see, also seeing abd is the most popular mod for competitions of sorts, I'm using the playstyle I tend to see in every war/duel/betting/even casual games.
I don't think everyone wants to see just a lifting fight, as unique as the game is I don't think everyone is going to play interestingly, majority will use basic cheap moves cause they just want to win which of course is the goal but yeah.
Other than that we can already compile a list of who we should expect to win, just but looking at stats and their playstyle which I'm sure most high "skilled" players use the same moves since they work, I feel that this will just make a lot of players not join as well since they know they won't have a chance to win, and the natural learning curve of the game, at most have tiers of skill.
also is the playerbase even big enough to make a decent esport?
Excuse the bad grammar too tired to re-read my post.
Last edited by Lucy; May 23, 2018 at 02:31 AM.