Secret Santa 2024
Greetings and hello to you all! My name is Zob, and I have joined Hampa and the Nabi team as your new manager of community and competitions.

Hi Zob. I'm Ducky, and I am your overlord. Fetch me a pepsi =D

- Would you like me to continue with the existing Toribash Clan League, if so, what changes would you like me to make to the structure?
Eh.. what Cev said >.>

- Do you feel that the demo version of the game should offer more to trial players? Less?
If we give them too much, they'll end up thinking they don't need a registered version just to play on Pro servers. It's fine as it is.

- Which times of the day/week would you like to see competitions run in your timezone?

Eurooopeeeeee D:

...Saturdays 9PM GMT +2 works fine.
Last edited by Ducky; Jun 13, 2007 at 10:04 PM.
<ducky> The game.
<siku> ducky: i didnt know this was 2005 and 4chan
<siku> sorry, i hate the game and you should shut the fuck up about that retarded bullshit
<siku> you should link us to awesome and edgy motivational pics next or maybe pedobear
<siku> inb4 rep needs toriprime or vip lmao rofl that /b/ is grate
<siku> is this the part where you educate me on memes, further showcasing your amazing 4chan findings
<siku> word x is a meme lmao rofl
<+veb> someone make ducky smod
Hey Zob, I'm RbLcK.

About TBFL. Currently, it is underused. I would consider replacing it with an individual league like the current clan league. Or at least make it more secure.

Other thing, Join IRC and learn our wayz.

Hello, friendly neighborhood Dikarika here... (yes, I know it says S1GN4LM4N)

I totally agree with Cevius' league idea, but institute the no 2 matches in a row rule that Corporate_Penguin suggested.

I would love to use the tbfl, but with league and clan matters, I never really had time. If the clan league continues, i probably still won't have time.

As much as I love those demo users, I think they almost have too much already. My server was a place for demo-ers to get a taste of what registration was like, but thats gone until I repair it.

Otherwise all I want to say is:

Howdy and welcome Zob! Hope to see you around on IRC or playing Toribash.
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
[QUOTE=S1GN4LM4N;94070]Hello, friendly neighborhood Dikarika here... (yes, I know it says S1GN4LM4N)

but institute the no 2 matches in a row rule that Corporate_Penguin suggested.

I personally dont agree with that rule, for the smaller teams. Unless you mean like in a match, then yeah. Prehaps a cool off period. Out of a set of 4 games maybe they can only play once? Otherwise your gonna get just two pleople playing all the time. The whole idea of the league is its supposed to be a team effort. The wa it set up now shows the true skill of the team. Everyone plays everyone once in a match and everyone gets to play. Subs should be able to sub in during a match, but choosing who plays who could be troublesome. Unless we enforce even more rules to make it work. Im not sure everyone would want that. Like i said before, if we had more then one sub i think it would sort out mostpeople problems.
Last edited by Mr-Deanster; Jun 14, 2007 at 10:19 AM.
Jarmund>{#toribash} Dr-Meanster: finish your sentences before pressing enter.
Yes Dean, you do have a very valid point. Also, I suggested before that league teams should be 3 vs 3 with 2 subs...

These 2 subs could be used for tactical purposes, and 3 vs 3 would mean no tie matches (best 5 of 9 would win...)

I still feel this may be the best method to alleviate league issues.
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
It would take greater organization, but instead of having one clan league, it may be better to have a number of smaller leagues, specializing in different events. I don't particularly like judo (and I was pretty busy on weekends) so I didn't participate in clan league matches that often. Had there been an alternative league for wushu or kickbox, maybe I'd have felt more compelled to participate more.

Also, instead of having one league server that everyone shares, it would probably be better if players hosted servers themselves, and invited a ref in to oversee the matches. Scheduling could be more flexible, and there'd be fewer people complaining about missing their match time due to prior matches completing early, etc.

So far as the TBFL, the fact that you could only challenge 2 spots ahead of yourself was kind of frustrating, and ultimately led to the cessation of my participation. I couldn't get a match in with the only person I could challenge (the guy one spot above me was locked out due to an existing challenge), and didn't want to take the default win, so I just stopped paying attention to it. Ultimately, it seems like more trouble than it's worth to get to the top, and could likely be replaced with random tournaments.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
1.) I agree with Cevius for the most part. Eventhough my Clan didn't get to play in the last league (formed just as it was starting up), it seemed a little overly strict. Also I personly don't think there should be a limit as to how many can be signed up to fight for your clan (current limit was 12 I believe). It realy would be easier to have all willing people on the list for your clan and the team captain put them in as they see fit for that nights fight depending on the current battle taking place. And as for the reward, I think it would be beter to have the top prize given to the winning team's MVP(s) (prehaps voted by the team, or picked by stats), and a smaller (but still nice) prize for all members of the team that helped out (this would help to avoid disputes within clans that could easily turn up, to have at the very least something for everyone as a clan but still something to reward the best player(s)).

2.) I'd say scrap it, didnt seem very used at all.

3.) I'd say include some new mode (prehaps sumo or jousting) temporarily for the new people on occasion but not full time, so they can get a taste for it and hopefully bring them over. Also game sposonered reg-key tourys would go over well im sure.

4.) Im central American myself, I prefer (especialy with college starting up soon) friday's and saturdays. But maybe still have some comp's durring the week even if weekends work best for most people, wednesday prehaps, just to have things going on and keep people active.

Very nice to meet you Zob and welcome.