Wire mod was very hard for me at first. But I learned very little and just followed tutorials that told you HOW to make it but not why it works and all that other stuff. Eventually I learned much stuff of how stuff works on my own and then I seen some vid tutorials that actually explain what stuff does and from there i've been using expression for most of my stuff.

Right now I'm working on a radar, I got it almost working but stupid me i was using distance to see where to place the dot but then if they went behind or infront either way the dot moved up i was like wtf O_o why it not work then after 10 minutes i was like omg i'm a fuckin idiot and realized it was cus i was using distance so now that i'm home i'm going to go fix it with x y coordinate stuffs.
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
Wire mod was very hard for me at first. But I learned very little and just followed tutorials that told you HOW to make it but not why it works and all that other stuff. Eventually I learned much stuff of how stuff works on my own and then I seen some vid tutorials that actually explain what stuff does and from there i've been using expression for most of my stuff.

Right now I'm working on a radar, I got it almost working but stupid me i was using distance to see where to place the dot but then if they went behind or infront either way the dot moved up i was like wtf O_o why it not work then after 10 minutes i was like omg i'm a fuckin idiot and realized it was cus i was using distance so now that i'm home i'm going to go fix it with x y coordinate stuffs.

I've done that already.

Your new friends should be the angle measuring thingy and the ranger.

Along with sin(x) and cos(x).
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