You find it easily anyway and there is no point in prohibiting something that is that high in demand.
for me its simple as this,legalization means regulation and with
regulation you have better control over the distribution,you take
the product away from the black market and make it safe to use,
just take examples from czech republic,spain and others where crime
related to drugs dropped off,also look at the taxes that america
withe the recent legalization of weed has generated,billions of
dollars that would otherwise be on the hands of drug cartels
Made me see all the good and bad things I do. Doesn't automatically make you a better person thou, it just makes you aware and it's up to you to change after taking the psychedelic
You talk about it as if it does no harm to your body and as if it only has positive effects, but you don't take into account all the long-term mental harm that it does, and legalizing it would obviously mean that way more people would take it regularly thus increasing chances of these long-term side effects.
All the legalization really does is give people more ways to obtain the drug, which results in increasing numbers of addiction and in turn slight benefits to the economy.
You don't need drugs to become a better person. If this is the only way you can become aware of your rights and wrongs then it has to do more with your ignorance than anything.
i didn't talk about side effect of drug use when i said "safe to use",
more like in a sanitary way,you know how junkies pass their needles and such,but in a controlled environment with doctors its safer* to use
if something becomes legal and regulated,that means it has laws of who
is allowed to use it right? (let alone that we don't care about it),i'm sure
most of under 18 have tried alcohol or cigarettes even though its
illegal for their age to use them,but if their parents care about them
they could press charges against the man that sold it to them,
could they do the same if the man that sold it to them was a drug
lord or something?
don't correlate legalization with having more access to the drug,
if the law works it is the opposite and you would need special permits
to access them
Acid is definitely a substance that should at least be decriminalized. When used responsibly, there are certainly many benefits to the psychedelic experience.
That was a pretty unnecessary dig, and shows your own ignorance of the topic. There's plenty things you can learn about yourself and the world around you from the altered perception that LSD offers. We all have flaws, some of which we may not be aware of. The thing about psychedelics is you get to see yourself in a different light, which can lead to new realizations like what Fistoflife was talking about
I'll admit it was pretty unnecessary for me to say that, but my point was that there are other ways to get that perspective without drugs which could potentially lead you to addiction. Of course you might say "oh I took it few times and it was great, it helped me in life", but there is always that fraction that takes it once, then again, and again, until their life revolves around it, which is why it's not a good way to have your "lifetime experience".
I'm not really sure what you're talking about because it's definitely not how things work in the real world.