I love the janky movement, especially the extended ab spin in the opener.

also that decap at the end was so fast and unexpected that i had to watch it again and then I missed again it a second time!

good replay
amazing replay, beautiful spins and smooth flow
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
making a post of some of my old favs, other than the mused collabs

2015-2016 ish
Attached Files
hindsight.rpl (308.8 KB, 7 views)
metro gnome.rpl (238.2 KB, 3 views)
denial.rpl (196.6 KB, 5 views)
mighty morphine foreskin.rpl (263.2 KB, 4 views)
blacksheep.rpl (193.1 KB, 3 views)
high horse.rpl (333.3 KB, 4 views)
reflections.rpl (243.5 KB, 7 views)
forest of denial.rpl (160.1 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by cats; 4 Weeks Ago at 07:07 PM.
It's weird seeing hindsight again, because it threw me back to when I watched the Vayne vs Shiro video and I must've been like 11 at the time. I recall that TorixDemon(? or someone with a similar name) left a comment saying that you had changed your tori and you replied basically going "nuh uh" but I think like a month later I replied to that comment basically calling you a liar because by the time I had seen it, you did. I don't think you ever saw this comment and I've seemingly deleted it, which is a shame, but I haven't thought about that in like 8 years

What's super weird about it though, is that hindsight the replay is definitely not in that video. Some mandela effect shit. I think perhaps I went and scouted out your replays shortly after having seen the video and that one particularly stuck out to me, so I remember it. Or maybe I'm mentally fusing it with the Glimpsed video?

I always thought 480-380 was the coolest shit ever and I effectively made replays trying to copy that type of movement for years. I had even made some alt to post replays and Demon posted your forum avatar in the thread as a slam dunk thinking it was actually you lol

A few of the DMs in metro gnome don't happen on my end which could be a difference in version but either way it doesn't change anything. I think I stole the opener once actually, in one of my very very old threads which I might try and find later

I remember thinking the grab used in mighty morphine foreskin was awesome and I yoinked the idea of those types of grabs and I still do that shit, because if you do them hard enough you can just get free DMs from whiplash so thanks for the idea

denial is just generally satisfying, reminiscent of that one nuthug replay

The second knee dm in high horse is hilarious, that shit makes about no fucking sense. Pretty cool that you left it in

blacksheep has a cool opener and the hits remind me of the Dexter stock replay

speechless at the self DMs in reflections

forest of denial is cool. It's a small thing, but I quite like that the dismembered hand balances on the foot at least until the replay is fully over. It's funny