Original Post
[REL] ScriptBot
So what is it?
A program to make your own bots in. (Comes with a pre made bot that can be easily changed)
It is essentially a Lua interpreter with a load of .net socket classes :P

Don't worry, you don't need to understand to use it, just open up "DemoBot.lua" in the Scripts directory, change the login and server ip then click "Run Script".

So you can make your own bots more easily.

Windows 2.0 (needs .net 3.5 framework)

Source for 0.1 (C#)
Source for 2.0 (C#)
This program is badly written, and you shouldn't use it for learning purposes

Screen shots?

Latest Updates
v 0.3
v 2.0
Last edited by Blam; Jul 1, 2010 at 02:44 PM.
It is just a bot? It isn't doing anythinhg?

BTW, how can i check server's IPort at Toribash 3.6+ ?
Originally Posted by Mimee View Post
BTW, how can i check server's IPort at Toribash 3.6+ ?

@ other comments: read the paragraph in bold :P
Originally Posted by SenseiJak View Post
is this the same bot that stonewall is using?

it looks hard >.<

it is the one stonewall uses
and it's not hard.
I'll probably make custom scripts with extra features if anyone wants them.

And yes it should work fine using mono :P
I get this message when pressing "run script" after adding the IP and username and pass:
cannot open Scripts/BaseBot.lua: No such file or directory
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
err makesure there is a Scripts directory in the place where you are running scriptbot from, and makesure it has BaseBot.lua in it. Otherwise re extract :P
Blam, how do you make the bots respond to !commands?
I have him in the room with me, and i said !r, but he says nothing, as if he just pressed enter then spaced.
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