Sorry, both sides are wrong, but in my point of view U.S is doing a big crime, first of all, let's start in the 2nd world war, why the hell U.S threw 2 atomic bombs in Japan? Simple reason, they wanted to show power, the excuse they gave was: "Well, it was necessary to end up all this war", no it wasn't, and sadly most of americans agree that it was, but it wasn't, Japan was already falling a part, they killed 200k people just to show power, that's ridiculous, but now lets talk about more recent things.
Why blaming ISIS? Simple, U.S controls the media and there's nothing we can do about it. Do u remember Saddam Hussein? in our eyes he were a terrorist, indeed, he was, but do u remember the reason why U.S attacked him? U.S said: well, they have atomic bombs and some other weapons, but don't worry world, we'll erradicate him. And U.S did it, but that wasn't the reason, the reason was oil, we know that in this Arabic region we find lots of oil, and they control the price of this resource, those arabic countries and Venezuela, but Venezuela has no choice, they aren't rich so they have no power to disagree.
In this part of the text i am here to prove that Saddam had no atomic bombs. Recently we saw U.S vs North Korea and U.S vs Siria, and the question that i make is. Why U.S attacked Siria and haven't attacked North Korea? Simple answer, North Korea has atomic bombs, and Siria not. It's the biggest proof that Saddam had no Bombs, and what U.S wanted was oil in a low price.
Nowadays the oil is pretty cheaper than in 2008 or 2007, and that's one of the reason of Venezuela crysis, the other reason is the government. Venezuela is a country that export only one product (Oil) and when the price lowered, they made almost no money, that's the first reason. Second reason: The government is totally closed for stranger products, and Venezuela has no industry. So in the end people starve, they don't even have toilet paper, and that's all.
One thing that i find curious is that U.S and Europe are trying to make the Amazon rain forest international (in U.S school they teach that the Amazon rain forest is international property and not a brazilian, colombian, etc. Amazon rain forest is south american, that's all.) and in the past, some good years ago Brazil was challenged to defend why Amazon rain forest isn't international, and for our lucky they send a good dude to explain that. A american student asked why not making the Amazon rain forest international? The answer was simple: Yeah, it could be cool making Amazon rain forest international, but if we make that, why don't we make all the oil in this world international? why don't we make all the museums in the world international, why don't we make manhattan a international city? it's the head quarters of ONU, and we all know ONU is international, every city could be international. All north americans atomic bombs could be international too. Why not? Why not making NASA international why not sharing all the tehcnologies in the world? In the end everything could be international, but while people see me as a brazilian, while people see everyone as a different being i am totally against the internationalization of Amazon rain forest. Amazon rain forest is a brazilian property. that's all.
In conclusion, what do u guys think about it? Were the attacks against japan necessary? do you guys really think U.S and even Europe are right? I know much more things about world, i just don't really wanna talk about it now because my text would be long as fuck, more long than that. Let's talk about it, let's think about everything. Don't let the midia control u. U are better than that.