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Clan Creator can kick/demote Leaders
Clan Creator can be able to kick/demote Leaders

Make it that the clan[s] creator[s] can be able to kick or demote leaders, because some clicks the add button by accident and they could not remove the player that he/she just added as a leader in the clan, the player will have to resign or demote himself/herself back, so I think a creator of the clan can
demote a leader from his clan or kick him/her.

This will be helpful for missclickers (lol)

This idea is to prevent leaders from kicking the members if added by accident.
Last edited by Xaria; Nov 21, 2018 at 12:19 PM.
so...something like a higher authority above leader on rank system. The case of missclick to be selected as a leader is highly unlikely compared to accident kick (In my 8 years experiencing and experimenting creating some clans and story of my friends, never i heard they accidentally put someone to the leader by mistake due to the placement of the leader addition is quite obvious compare to kick). Even when it does actually happen and with the ease of communication with the clan squad through discord that problem could be handle quite easily.
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by Nike View Post
so...something like a higher authority above leader on rank system. The case of missclick to be selected as a leader is highly unlikely compared to accident kick (In my 8 years experiencing and experimenting creating some clans and story of my friends, never i heard they accidentally put someone to the leader by mistake due to the placement of the leader addition is quite obvious compare to kick). Even when it does actually happen and with the ease of communication with the clan squad through discord that problem could be handle quite easily.

but it will easily help the clan squad from us making them have a hard time and I highly doubt that clan squad can actually invite the members who were kicked back. Just imagine... someone could actually missclick, it might happen and it could ruin the creator's day.
Simply If you accidentally set someone as a leader, just tell clan squad. You can contact them in discord or PMs. Really no point in a higher authority other than a clan leader. Clan squad is the answer to this idea.