Original Post
Toribash 2.6 - 7 looks like 1? Fix here.
Ok, decided to fix the font for 2.6 also, because 2.5 is about to go the way of the dinosaurs.

This ttf file goes in [PathToApp]\Toribash-2.6[beta whatever]\data\fonts\

Here's a screenshot of the new 7 in action...

RAR archive with ttf included below.
Attached Files
toribash_fontfix.rar (7.4 KB, 14 views)
 ____  _____  __  __  _  _  ___  _  _ 
(  _ \(  _  )(  )(  )( \( )/ __)( \/ )
 ) _ < )(_)(  )(__)(  )  (( (__  \  / 
(____/(_____)(______)(_)\_)\___) (__) 
good stuff... its about time someone did something, however id contact hampa with this rather then expect every user to do it themselves :P