I can't post a link atm I am on my iPod but
Go to page 6
There is a tread called co- leader?
In that thread you call someone a dummy
Thats rude
And in another thread you tell people not in our clan to get the hell out of our forum
There are more stuff that I can't find
When andy tells you to stop because ofillusion stoped
I'm Back!
omg, he was ern's ban evasion account, if you had read after that you would have known that. 1. ban evasion accounts are against the rules 2. he's one of the biggest scammers of toribash history. what would that have done for revo and its reputation?

oh, and on page 6, I don't see a thread called co-leader, are you using the old forum?

EDIT: it's on page seven
Originally Posted by grumpyman2
Originally Posted by ofillusion
no offense but randomninja if he did that why are you ldr?

cuz he made the clan, dummy ;P

you think that isn't a joke?
Last edited by grumpyman2; Jan 30, 2009 at 02:29 AM.
On 18, 2008 of the year August, we shall have tea. The following day we eat anyone wearing purple clothes. Then we get into tanks, drive a mile away from each other, and start firing random shells into the air. First one to hit the other tank gets a 5 second head start in the 1 legged race.

In the one legged race, you will be hogtied and forced to compete in the Boston marathon using your penis only. We shall also set down bear traps, landmines, barbed wire, and floating thumbs. Your penis will be painted to resemble an illusion that looks like a 3-D steak; as a result, several Dobermen and Rottweilers we will be taking for a walk that morning which have been starved the previous week may attack.