BId nid bid

Thats defenetly worth more

Btw the first head has been touched up & looks more to be updated tommorow..sorry
KONY 2012
A question: when does the highest bidder win? shouldnt it be after 2 days? or 1 week?

Im cancelling my bid sorry AKP.
*beep*ing hell, sorry for double post, forgot about the one i wrote hour ago ;// Merged -Novi
Last edited by Brainstorm; Feb 18, 2009 at 06:04 PM.
Biiding will end by Tuesday/Wednesday

I'll be going out of station during weekend so won't be updating it much..

Keep bidding..Also autobuys decreased to realistic prices
KONY 2012
holy shit i love that ninja-ish one if you could make a set to match it ill pay 100k maybe more depends on how much i can buy from hector :>
Lot of things are going in my life at the moment...I can't have the patience & concentration to think about making a full set...

I'll be free in 1-2 months when I may start doing it more seriously..

BID on head id you want tough
KONY 2012