I usually just stare at it for a bit and then back away, shaking.
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.
The first time i saw a screamer I was with a couple of friends and they told me about an "awesome maze game that was almost impossible to beat".

I was up to the challenge being the addicted gamer i am and i was on that god-damn 3rd level and BAM! the screamer came and i fell on my back while my friends laughed. Assholes. :P

I didn't sleep that night......

I lol'd so hard at Hanz0's comment:

Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
Eh. I jumped a bit, and then essentially went "STFUGTFO" and closed the browser.

Tha's about it.

Seems so much like hanz0
Hahaha playaj I remember that. That was called or something. I wanted to turn the sound way up. You would have hit the ceiling
Keep your friends close but your enemy's closer
At first, shock,startle, but the RRAAAAAGGGE overpowers and then i stare down the ugly monster pic and then close. Unless the pic is really gross.
Originally Posted by Danvari View Post

I remember this one. My grandmother almost got heart attack. Nof funny.

That was old.
And yeah posting commersials as screamers is against the law

Take a look at this
(Yes it's a screamer! Take a deep breath before watching it)

As Shulschick says don't post screamers.
Originally Posted by Defqon View Post
Well first time i saw a screamer (i did not knew that was a screamer)
I almost fucking fall off my chair.
There was a two mountains and it told to to find the differences of the pictures.
But there was no links,options etc.
I found one i clicked it,Nothing
Tryed to click it multiple times then this ugly bitch popped out:

This pic is still disturbs me :S
I was unable to see for 2 seconds.
My hands was fucking shaking like crazy,and my heart almost blew from the fast beats.

Explain your accident :P

I know the mountain shit,but i got mad because nothing happend,i didin't even know if that was a screamer,so i closed the appliaction

But the scary maze FREAKING SCARED the hell outha me,+ i agree whit Alessandro
Slash 13 post here >:3 i know you want,you got freaking scared by Brad or Matt playing Fatal Frame 2-3
Last edited by dbuhos; Feb 18, 2009 at 06:05 PM.
Centuries Of Damn
First, I'll be like :|
But then, days later, OH SHIT
No, really. When I see the screamer, maybe I back up a bit, but I won't scream, punch the screen, jump up etc...
And days later I just remember it and become very aware and scared.
Originally Posted by DejaVu View Post
I am scarred from the screamers. One night when I was 7, I was watching youtube, and I got 5 screamers in a row. I almost cried. I still am afraid of closed shower curtains, windows, things popping up after I take off my shirt etc. because of the momentary blindness.

I think I might need help

wow i almost have the same thing. when i go downstairs to get a drink i need to reach over and turn on the light before i go down because ime woried something will grab me. its scairy as hell!


on sky news about half a year back they where saying how the "screamer" can cause periodic or Permanent render in the retina that can cause blindness.
Last edited by VayneKuagari; Feb 18, 2009 at 09:10 PM.
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