In that case I apologies. I as leader should accept my responsibilities to set examples for my fellow clan members to follow. I will, try my best to be as active as possible. I will also try to preform my duties as leaders to the best of my abilities.
Keep your friends close but your enemy's closer
Playagay how long did it take u to do that? Was it on photoshop? Hmm i like ur new nick name. It has a ring to it
Keep your friends close but your enemy's closer
This was immature on purpose Playaj, don't worry I'm not this kind of guy And this image was funny but yours tori is blured and to wide.

Kordis have absolute right about leader work and lessons. I play 3 times a day [sometimes an hour sometimes 10minutes but 3 times] 07:00or 08:00, 15 or 16 and 22 or 24. My GMT is -1 to Playaj GMT.

Funny way to die :)