View Poll Results: Who was the best main Final Fantasy villian?
FFI: Garland (He's gonna knock you all down.)
3 Votes / 5.66%
FFII: The Emperor (Turns into some evil looking demon and shit like that.)
1 Votes / 1.89%
FFIII: Cloud of Darkness (Holy shit. Tits and snakes. It's like Medusa.)
1 Votes / 1.89%
FFIV: Golbez/Zeromus (Lunar people who will destroy this puny planet.)
4 Votes / 7.55%
FFV: Exdeath (His final form is a tree. Shit's so cash.)
0 Votes / 0%
FFVI: Kefka (Cool psycho clown who enslaves the world and doesnt afraid of anything.)
10 Votes / 18.87%
FFVII: Sephiroth (Summons meteors and has a beastly theme.)
16 Votes / 30.19%
FFVIII: Ultimecia/Edea (Evil sorceress who phases through time. Totally hawt.)
7 Votes / 13.21%
FFIX: Kuja (Pretty awesome guy who trances and has a tail. Also friends with a giant ball.)
2 Votes / 3.77%
FFX: Sin (Giant whale who goes around nuking cities and absorbing people.)
9 Votes / 16.98%
Voters: 53. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
Best Final Fantasy Villain/Anatagonist
I'm not sure if there was one of these made, but I wanted to see how many Sephiroth fanboys we had here. My personal favorite has to be Kefka. He was crazy and evil since the beginning. He put poison in a river and murdered all but one of an entire town. One of the few villains who you thought deserved to die for his evil crimes. Not to mention he had a beast laugh. Sephiroth was just a whiny mama's boy.

If you post/vote, please state a good reason why they're your favorite. I don't want to see "because FFVII was the best game!!!!".
Last edited by Hamr; Feb 20, 2009 at 10:30 PM.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
just look at that sword.


Picture too big. ~Hamr
Last edited by Hamr; Feb 20, 2009 at 10:30 PM.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
Gubbin1: Add one to the Sephiroth fanboy vote. Also mind finding a smaller image? You won't see his minipenor no matter how big the pic is.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Golbez, i always liked him, and the four fiends. hurr.

also, if it was about monsters, cactuar, bitch.


I have to say Sephiroth because it takes balls to carry around a huge sword like that...AND how many people do you knw that can summon a meteor..? ^^

Btw..Cactuar is ftw
It doesn't take balls, it takes a decent sense of balance and finding the center of gravity for the sword.

Also, Tellah, anyone with the Break materia, high level black mages, Lulu, etc etc. can cast meteor.
Last edited by Hamr; Feb 20, 2009 at 07:17 AM.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
why can't we have two vote i thought sepphiroth and that one guy with the weird blue hair that stands up were my favorite.I just can't vote above any of them!x[
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