Original Post
hey how do you do those replays i suck at replays can someone post me a tutuorial on how to rip limbs or something?
Stiil pretty Sexy, No longer Wittsy.
I only can say something short now:
When you rip off something of Uke save a replay. Then use the "E" key to edit the replay. If you land a second dismember save again and go on and on with editing. I personally don't do that but for beginners it is the best way to make it!
replays arent great, but quality is epic.

Make a clan video, and u will be loved.

Hugs and love: OK
Make a clanvid: failed the last time we tried!!!
No sry I won't give it a try again... first I am too lazy and second is I maybe will make a vid with a friend of mine!