Christmas Lottery
beautifull basic it
Last edited by soulon; Feb 24, 2009 at 11:39 PM.
I want my textures BACK AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
if you want to do that absolute yes.. but i dont order now its your risk to insert the time!

we will absolute wait one or two weeks to give more artists a chance, btw. i love it
I want my textures BACK AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Are we allowed to enter more than one? Because I have a couple good ideas.

Edit: Please still answer, but here is my concept (I have 2 version):

I'll make more once I find out that we are allowed to enter more than one design.

EDIT #2: Lol, spelling mistake in both pics. I put Inside instead of inner.
Last edited by Buttchouda; Feb 25, 2009 at 05:36 AM.
What speaks for my Logo: It can be used in every size without quality loss - done with inkscape


PS please comment
.:: NANO ::.
its not my taste but the complete clan have to vote... and the last word have to say pikarus so lets continue that thread....
Last edited by soulon; Feb 25, 2009 at 01:23 PM.
I want my textures BACK AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Pa360uHuk if you could make that transparent background and fix up the ice a bit, it would be so win. But im not the judge here so dont fix it because of me. Just saying.
Great art everyone! keep it comin'.
MaStErKaOs: Co-Founder, former leader and proud member of [iCoF]
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