I would like to join
I am TheBlaze
Green Belt
less than 90 games from blue belt
best mods are twin swords,steerablemotorbikemedium, motorbike, lolnades, and medieval sword.
I make about 9 replays everyday and about 57 total
My lucky number is 57
just telling you that because it might give you luck
PM me if i can join!
I only care about love. I've ridden the TARDIS. Boxsucks
Blaze you gotta be black minimum, brown if outstanding.
You fail both aspects.
Sorry, try again when you get better and gain a few belts.
yo peeps my posting is bac and i am ur new member fargle for my in formation: belt: 2nd dan. mods: judo, instagib feet, wushu and taekkyon. aim : to be as best i can. thats about most of my info. hope ya liked it

i wub u lSl :D
[vibe] [ORMO] [GATA]