View Poll Results: Do you want Toribash 3.0 to be free?
23 Votes / 24.47%
71 Votes / 75.53%
Voters: 94. You may not vote on this poll
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Judging by the votes, this isn't wanted.

Like what sparrow was saying, giving all the registered members something free is silly, because that special something will be worthless due to all of the registered members getting it. Think about what happened with the Garage Games scandal, where a few people were able to get toribash free. Remember how pissed off all the registered members were? Imagine that on a much higher level.

EVERYONE'S gonna be pissed off.

People are also asking about new features that only Registered members can use, while unregistered members don't get any new features apart from maybe the 2.6 features. That's just dividing the game further...
I say yes because I don't know if I want to pay money for a game that i have a key for. So I say yes please have it free and you only get to play on registered servers if you have a reg key.
Now, i know i haven't been playing for long, and yes, i am still a total n0013z0rz, but still, giving this game away Are you nuts!? this is one of the greatest games that ive ever played, heck it triumphs CounterStrike by miles, and to give it away would be a shame. And 30k doesn't make up for it, because all the registered servers gives all the regs places to badmouth all the n0013z0rz, and i don't wanna lose that! That would be like killing off Mario in the first episode of SuperMario on tv! So please, vote no. Crap! Just realized... this post is gonna be on page three...
Don't Mess With
I don't think it should be free, because then everyone has all the access of registered people at no cost. There will be A LOT more people crowding the pro servers too. PLus, this game is way too good to be free. And it costs money to run servers. Nabi studios deserves the money
Toribash 4 free is not realy a good idea, but if a have to pay for the next version of toribash then unfortunatelly i'll have to vote yes... because i can't afford to fork out cash like that... but i think that if u don't make toribash free then the users that have payed for a toribash key should get keys 4 all the new versions of the game 4 free
Last edited by tHe_TeaCHer; Jul 17, 2007 at 04:12 PM.
Originally Posted by veb View Post
and if you have been given x amount of Toricredits in exchange for your key - won't this make up for it?

well in that case, doesn't sound too bad...

but still hampa and you worked hard on this game. And 3.0 looks AWESOME, why give the demo users the coolest version yet for free? The only good thing I see in this is increase in the community. It's over anyway, look at the poll...
> implying I have a signature
Originally Posted by veb View Post
$70 USD?
As I said, perhaps 20k-30k OR some type of special something.

im still deciding because if we get that special something and if it wasn't leased again i would keep it because its price would just go up and up after time but i wouldn't sell it just to show that i i've player toribash for along time and im no noob and i would say no because that would be unfair to everyone that bought there keys even if we get something special.
I just don't see how making Toribash free would benefit. It would appeal to a larger audience since they don't have to pay, but the current audience would feel rejected. Not to mention the new people would be like, "You dumbasses for buying this game" etc. People like to feel they have power over other people, so if the game would to just become free again, the people who bought the game would feel like they were demoted, and you may loose them.

I really don't know anything about the current profit the game makes, but I don't see how you would make money from the game being free even if there were a larger audience. (Unless it ends up like Gunbound, which I don't like :/)