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Gerkkou's problem
This is a game. I post two sentences, then the next person posts two, then the next, etc.. until we have a completely random paragraph.

One day, Gerkkou had an itch on his forehead. It was annoying him so he headbutted a wall, and was unconscious for three days!

The next person should copy and paste this, then continue on from there. I'm sure you've seen this around.

Have fun! Go!

i am going to decide on a team soon ;)
i think it will most likely be in the next 7 days if thats alright with you all
I'm too sure about this working out. One team is going to have an akward time. The GMT gap is going to be hard to work with. =S
One day, Gerkkou had an itch on his forehead. It was annoying him so he headbutted a wall, and was unconscious for three days!. When he wake up he was completly surrounded by angry burger salesmen. They pulled up their swords and rushed towards him.
One day, Gerkkou had an itch on his forehead. It was annoying him so he headbutted a wall, and was unconscious for three days!. When he wake up he was completly surrounded by angry burger salesmen. They pulled up their swords and rushed towards him. Gerkkou wasn't in mood to fight, so he teleported to some strange place, where he's seen a man in front of him. The man shouted: "This is Sparta!" and kicked him...
Name:Mario =)
Belt:5th =)
Games I'm playing: Counterstrike:source Bournout Paradise and Runes of Magic=)
One day, Gerkkou had an itch on his forehead. It was annoying him so he headbutted a wall, and was unconscious for three days!. When he wake up he was completly surrounded by angry burger salesmen. They pulled up their swords and rushed towards him. Gerkkou wasn't in mood to fight, so he teleported to some strange place, where he's seen a man in front of him. The man shouted: "This is Sparta!" and kicked him. Gerkkou was sent flying, though he bounced off a wall with his extra bouncy back. Gerkkou was sent flying back at the man with a foot in the air.