Christmas Lottery
Woah vamees and nike, awesome backhand/punches!
There really wasn't much to improve, but I made nike's back hand a little lower and got the speed up to 51-something, and vamees's punch is now 52-something on the speedo

i couldn't do much with the kick but i'll post anyways :P
Attached Files
nike backhand.rpl (16.7 KB, 17 views)
nike kick.rpl (16.8 KB, 12 views)
vamees punch.rpl (30.6 KB, 18 views)
vamees punch 2.rpl (19.5 KB, 12 views)
[A L P H A]
omg scheczy i must know your secrets, how on earth do you get it so fast?
Last edited by Nikelaos; Mar 7, 2009 at 11:47 PM.
Ass is a common ghetto suffix
ah i see my problem now, i'm a vodka and coctail guy myself, well thanks for the dvice and the edit.
Ass is a common ghetto suffix
2 new moves i made
Attached Files
move test.rpl (5.8 KB, 14 views)
move test 3.rpl (19.7 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by killer3366; Mar 11, 2009 at 05:46 PM.
Dot dot dot
Made the first one more heli and added speed to second one but it got lowered a little bit.
Attached Files
moveteststs.rpl (11.3 KB, 13 views)
movetestststs3.rpl (16.7 KB, 12 views)
I Turned the 1st into a double kick, but the second one i couldn't really get a better kick out of it, so i turned it into a punch instead.
Attached Files
MoveTest1Improvised.rpl (14.0 KB, 13 views)
MoveTest3Improvised.rpl (19.5 KB, 10 views)
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.