yes i tested him
its tru he ownd me

you cant buy happiness
but you can buy ice-cream thats close enough...right?
dude u are in
ok you are in Cliche
you have been recruted .ect

you cant buy happiness
but you can buy ice-cream thats close enough...right?
- Your ingame name: marshall96
- Your current ingame belt: black, about 400 games away from 2dan.
- Your GMT (+10, -5, +7, etc.): -6:00 Central U.S. Time
- Who you know in this clan: Noone i think.
- Why you would like to join Cliche: Im looking for a clan that I can help improve and you guys seem pretty active.
Sooooo.... Am i going to be tested or replied to soon?

Edit: Nevermind, I really dont want to be in a clan that cant reply to a post within a day or two. Just need a more active clan.
Last edited by Marshall96; Mar 21, 2009 at 07:11 PM.
i'm setting recruitment rooms is that ok black and over
i'm setting recruitment rooms for black and over to help the clan out

i want to help the clan be succesful
k well my clan username is smile2 its my sises account
my belt is 5th dan
my gmt is -5
i know iluzion hes a great guy
id like to join cliche cause ive been clanless for alont time and i was the coleader of soulless
Not smile2 :D