Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Hybucci View Post
the earth is nice. maybe put some clouds? like everyone else, i fail to see any connection between recycling and meteorites

I think what the picture means is that by not recycling, the trash will destroy the Earth in its own way. Protect the environment or GTFO. (not telling you to gtfo lol)
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
O aha!

I found the relationship to ecology!

in his render, the earth has no clouds, therefore, there´s no atmosphere!
due to pollution?

but that throws my previous theory out of the water.

I think his title `think before doing` means - `think before setting up a scene based off something you don´t fully understand´
Former Item Forger
It is a nice picture, good job. However I was thinkin it was more of a metaphor for the dying planet, but okay.
lead Sigma
Probably the title, Think before doing. I see what you mean though stups, the image itself doesn't really relate to it, then again you wouldn't think of the messages of alot of peices of art if it wasn't for the title.
lead Sigma
And i created 2 names of thread
1. "Think before doing!"
2. "A day before tomorrow"
Last edited by 931bw; Mar 18, 2009 at 06:12 PM.