Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post

Other nice weapons: Red Queen from Devil May Cry 4, Assault cannon (terminator) from Dawn of War, the head in Spore that is halfway between a seal and a puppy, and the mighty Concrete Cow from Worms XD

Its a donkey btw

I'm going to say the rope from worms, so much fun with that ;o


Love the Bozar from fallout 2, because its like the best gun in the game and it always like rips people in half

edit btw Chrisdom, what game? (rofls)
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post

Want to own at SSB or SSBB?
Get a map with lots of vertical walls, choose Ness, get them up against the wall, UNLEASH TEH THUNDA!

Any good player can get out of that <.< with a lot of vertical walls you should do falco's infinite gun combo (SSBB). Not really infinite, but you can't get out until like... 300+% which is more than enough to knock his ass out of there.

Anyways this reminded me of a weapon, Pit's awesome dual sword/bow weapon. Forgot if it has a name as I have completely neglected the game for a while and need to replay it.

nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Well, I just bought Far Cry 2 the other day, and I am in love with the grenade launcher, as well as the flamethrower.

Light 'em up!
Fonzie be with you.
if anyone has a old system called the turbographix, you would knowthat the 2x4 from splatterhouse is the best, weapon,ever.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say