Original Post
Do You Prefer Buckshot or Slug Rounds?
It would be a poll, but I can't see the function.

Post whether you prefer slug rounds or buckshot rounds in a shotgun.

Here are basic definitions:

Buckshot - LARGE shot pellets (half dime sized)

Shot - normal BB sized pellets

Slug - 1 solid chunk of metal

I would prefer a slug round, because accuracy counts. Buckshots, in my opinion, are overkill.

*Edit* Thanks and +rep to Yourface for better intel.
Last edited by DejaVu; Mar 28, 2009 at 03:38 AM.
Fonzie be with you.
Originally Posted by DejaVu View Post
It would be a poll, but I can't see the function.

Post whether you prefer slug rounds or buckshot rounds in a shotgun.

Here's a basic definition of both:

Buckshot - When the bullet breaks up in the gun, firing multiple pellets in a scatter-like pattern.

Slug Round - When the bullet maintains it's form, firing a large bullet round in a more accurate and concentrated form.

I would prefer a slug round, because accuracy counts. Buckshots, in my opinion, are overkill.

Even with a slug round you won't get much accuracy out of a shotgun, the reason being that a slug has to be made so that its diameter is smaller than the barrel's inner diameter. This discrepancy is enough that the rifling barely has a chance to work.

I prefer shot in my shells, since with a shotgun anything over 20 or so yards isn't going down anyway.

and if you want accuracy that bad, why wouldn't you be using a rifle ;o
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH

Buckshot- LARGE shot pellets (half dime sized)
Shot- normal BB sized pellets
Slug-1 solid chunk of metal
I prefer a slug it is much more accurate and has more knockdown power.

Or if you use shot use something called a choke.(makes pattern smaller)
Thank you Yourface. I don't know too much about shotguns that well :P Just Video Games and my hunting shotty.
Fonzie be with you.
Originally Posted by Yourface View Post

Buckshot- LARGE shot pellets (half dime sized)
Shot- normal BB sized pellets
Slug-1 solid chunk of metal
I prefer a slug it is much more accurate and has more knockdown power.

Or if you use shot use something called a choke.(makes pattern smaller)

If you're going to tell me I'm wrong, at least point out where.

Your list doesn't account for the different sizes of buckshot and standard shot.

Are you referring to Brenneke, Foster, or sabot style slugs?

What type of shotgun is this poll for.

I prefer shot in mine, with a choke designed for a tight pattern.

I'll admit I was wrong in my original post about the useful ranges, but it doesn't change my preference.

Note I also don't hunt, I shoot competitive skeet.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
Originally Posted by DejaVu View Post
I suppose any kind of shotgun will suffice in this poll...

Shotguns come in several flavors that would affect one's preference.

for example, I have a 12 gauge rifled bore with a choke, a 12 gauge with a smooth bore and no choke (ancient gun is ancient >_> ), and a .410 pistol.

for the smooth bore I use shot all the time, and for the rifled i keep both types of ammo on hand.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
.410 pistol....? what? i only have a .410 rifle,12 gauge, 20, 22, 30/30 blah blah blah oh how could i have forgotten the MP5 HOW?!?!?!?! So, I pretty much own an armory except for rocket launchers and mounted machine guns.