Nice one Playaj, noobs? ;P

And there isn't alot to do man, you have been away alot, fez was off for a week, what else can we do ;/
Nice work bilza, is that with Photoshop?

And heres a replay, its kinda random, i was going to try a run but epicly failed, but ended up turning into a sweet spin.
Attached Files
Epic Spin.rpl (38.1 KB, 6 views)
nah, everything in that thread was made in c4d, and nice replay metro

EDIT: while doing the clanpic, i noticed somepeople dont ahve full sets, if they dont, should i leave the body part blank, or should i take them from the pic?
Last edited by Bilza; Mar 28, 2009 at 01:43 PM.
well, i cant add torso texts, the rig wont let me, but metro, for example, has head, both hands, and a right tricep. if i had an image for the other parts, i could add it, but since the only texts he has bought are them, then when i /dl him, thats the only text images i get
i know, but im using him as an example, just in case, so i can find out who to delete, before i work on them

EDIT: like hellopppp, he has no texts, as far as i can gather from /dl'ing him
Last edited by Bilza; Mar 28, 2009 at 02:18 PM.
fezch's texts are not working properly with c4d, adn all the alpha ( transparent) parts are showing up black =/ have you got any other texts, or do you want me to leave them as they show up?