Secret Santa 2024
Yeah, they don't look as good as the originals though. Also, up to fireworks factory, my fave level :D
lead Sigma
Hell no, they're not as good as the originals! Insomniac stopped making Spyro games around '04, now some shitty imitation company is making horrible next-gen mockery of our great purple dragon D:< *raeg* They did the unthinkable. They switched the controls for fire and horn. Yes, my friends! FIRE IS NOW SQUARE WHILE THE HORN RUSH IS CIRCLE. Blasphemous scoundrels.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Originally Posted by Ragdollmaster View Post
Hell no, they're not as good as the originals! Insomniac stopped making Spyro games around '04, now some shitty imitation company is making horrible next-gen mockery of our great purple dragon D:< *raeg* They did the unthinkable. They switched the controls for fire and horn. Yes, my friends! FIRE IS NOW SQUARE WHILE THE HORN RUSH IS CIRCLE. Blasphemous scoundrels.

;_; Like when naughty dog stopped making crash bandicoot games, man that was a great time :<
lead Sigma
Spyro and Crash were my holy grail when I was young. Then they both got sold on to other companies and lost their unique style... I think I stopped buying the 'new' games nearing the middle of my gaming years on PS2. The PS1 games were classic, the PS2 ones... as much as I don't want to say it, they were just meh. :v
The first and second Spyros are awesome. The second one pisses me off though because of the damned orbs!!!!!!!!!ORBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOORRRRRRRBBBBBBSSSSSS!!!!!

Originally Posted by phail View Post
;_; Like when naughty dog stopped making crash bandicoot games, man that was a great time :<

WHAT!?? Noooo!! Not Crash!!! D; D; D;

I had Crash Bandicoot Warped and I still have Crash Team Racing...omg some of the best PS1 games ever invented...but I must say...Crash Team Racing rips off Mario Kart. Lol.
Last edited by Drummer; Apr 1, 2009 at 01:27 AM.
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
Originally Posted by Tamer0 View Post
Spyro and Crash were my holy grail when I was young. Then they both got sold on to other companies and lost their unique style... I think I stopped buying the 'new' games nearing the middle of my gaming years on PS2. The PS1 games were classic, the PS2 ones... as much as I don't want to say it, they were just meh. :v

Insomniac and Naughty Dog giving away the rights to making Spyro and Crash were 2 of their biggest mistakes ever. These two franchises are one of the reasons i loved the PS1 so much. i can still play them to this day and have a blast. i doubt any new games will ever match the old ones, but i hope a developer comes along that actually cares about the series's and knows what their old fans want.
Spyro has so much good memories!, when i got to the store i always tell him "give me spyro 2,2,2222222222!!!" then when i came home i saw that it was 1, it turns out that the one that i have was 2, i just didn't play 1 -_-, i bought the game like 5-7 times in 2 months, i was shy to give back the spyro and get the first one xD.