Hello Jsoh!
Don’t worry, your threads still exist! They’re just years back.
I went and got some for you:
Ah, looking over them, only one seems to have replays. I may or may not be correct here, - since being a 2015 user and all - but I am pretty sure a lot of replays that were very old had been mass deleted. I believe the limit of what the threads forums could hold was actually reached, and a lot of replays have disappeared, but maybe thread number 1 was overlooked there.
Regardless, I hope this post at least offered a little input to what’s happened, and I’ll investigate this a little more, and see if that’s the case. It could just be how replays were hosted then to now, and no longer supported, I’m not sure
Hope this helped.
Edit: Just noticed there’s an
Attachments section of the User Control Pannel, check there, your replays should show up. If not, it’s safe to say that the replays are pretty much totally gone.
Last edited by tabby; Feb 19, 2019 at 09:45 AM.