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What about making fun of other member of community?
Hey guys, i was thinking here, ppl get punished (with a ban ofc) if they make fun of someone, if yes, what do u think about that? if no, what do u think about that too. I was wondering, i was questioning my self cuz something really funny happened today, and i was thinking how ridiculous it's, if it's not allowed, then it's really weird, in the past there was a player that was a joke in the end of a magazine that tb had (i'll find this someday, i know who has that stuff), so, is nowadays isn't allowed? I don't want to make fun of any people, but, it's weird, i was just thinking about that, what u guys think and what are the rules about that.
RSO Teacher
well this is a really complex subject to talk about in my opinion. Depending on the case this can get more serious or more frivolous.
For example, if someone is just making fun of someone he never saw before and they dont meet often, and the "bully" (not really, im just using the term) is saying stuff like: "you stink" or "your head sucks lol", and the other guy is just the "no u" type or even if he is just quiet, I dont see any reasons to banning or punishing him although I find it really disappointing to see.
On the other hand, there are cases where the "bully" dude keeps following/stalking a specific person to make fun of it, and most likely to get them mad. No matter how upset the person might seem or how much they ask the "bully" to stop, he wont let go. That's a completely different case and totally should be punished

After all and summing up, isn't exactly about the "making fun" attitude, but instead whether it offends the target's pride/honor or anything alike, you can interpret that as disrespect too if you will. Something that im pretty sure is included in the community's general rules is that you should always respect the others, and that's something that should be applied to real life too so
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Yeah, i agree with u, and the main reason i created this thread is to think about that, does the game need a rule just like that? Is there a rule about that? i don't know, but i would like to see everyone's opinion about that. And if there's a rule, i'd like to see if there's someone who's disagree, and why ofc.
RSO Teacher
im really curious what examples you have

if someone reported an incident to me that consisted of "this person called me an idiot a couple times" i'd tell them to get thicker skin

harassment includes extremely toxic and targeted behavior, sometimes clowning on people falls into that and sometimes it doesn't

either way, harassment is a serious thing that deserves a ban
Originally Posted by pouffy View Post
im really curious what examples you have

if someone reported an incident to me that consisted of "this person called me an idiot a couple times" i'd tell them to get thicker skin

harassment includes extremely toxic and targeted behavior, sometimes clowning on people falls into that and sometimes it doesn't

either way, harassment is a serious thing that deserves a ban

What about a situation where someone follows you for example into multiple servers calling you the "n word", or stuff like "faggot", etc? would that be considered harassment?
Originally Posted by Elite View Post
What about a situation where someone follows you for example into multiple servers calling you the "n word", or stuff like "faggot", etc? would that be considered harassment?

In my eyes that can be considered harassment and should be discouraged. if the targeted person doesn't care, and its more of like a 'no u' situation then they should be punished for using such words rather than harassment
@Shock & Elite: Well that IS harassment if somebody continuously follows you around calling you racial things and homophobic things which can be lead to a ban...
however if the person who is being harassed does not report it to staff then the nothing will happen (unless staff see it happening then it can be dealt with either a warning or a ban).

i'm going to assume that the "no u" thing is a friendly remark to an insult so if that is the case then the staff doesn't really have to do anything UNLESS it's in a public server because obviously you got to think about the other individuals around you because they could get offended and still report you.
Really another problem is people overreacting to a couple joking insults. Like, I understand if the subject is something really sensitive like rape or racial slurs, but sometimes it’s more or less something harmless. I mean, obviously if you say something like the n word in a serious manner you should expect backlash. But unless it’s something as uncanny as sensetive subjects it shouldn’t be a big deal.
Don’t hate me i’m just pointing that out.
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