The bad part is that youtube's algorithms are very much flawed and could inflict an unprecedented amount of unnecessary damage. google news would also be affected under article 11, but article 13 (now 17) is much more concerning afaik there are still two years to make changes and to implement the articles within eu countries
i'm not particularly for these articles passing because my youtube playlist will be all sorts of fucked
but how i'm imagining it would work on the youtube platform would be something along the lines of an automated filter that monitors what you upload, youtube's algorithms being flawed as is, this can cause problems
EDIT: oh, also, some access of the internet might be outright restricted to some parts of the eu due to financial and legal concerns
EDIT 2: and this could have a world wide domino effect because if the previous edit is wrong, they most likely won't only have an algorithm for a certain region of the world, and considering phillip defranco also addressed the situation and said if it comes to it, he may revoke access from european viewers due to concern for copyright infringement under the newly implemented articles
Last edited by ddos; Mar 27, 2019 at 12:26 PM.