You want reality deep? Here I go
The reality is most of our lives is a pursuit of knowledge, knowledge is falsely perceived as understanding of concepts, note that concepts are made by mankind. In fact, our own emotions are invented by mankind and the actions that provoke them are equally non-existance. For instance, some things can be so tragic that we laugh, we think thats wrong because the first community associated laughter with "humorous" activities; however, I beg you to take a deeper look at how these things get brought about. There wasn't a book written by god himself explaining all our emotions, it was nearly how the first community perceived things to be true, then by human tradition as we passed this down the family tree that we teach our younger ones what we believe to be true. But that first communities perception is just one point of view. Blue is only blue because it was a suitable word and we developed logic as time goes on to explain everything; however, an entirely diffrent set of ideas, laws, and concepts could have been developed which "proves" one thing is another thing with its logic. The funny part is, neither is wrong. So why then do we teach these rules which we accept as truths? Simply to keep order in society, because as soon as someone sees these ideas diffrently then common society they are perceived as madmen and crazy. So now I advise you do what you think makes you happy because the reality is, if you think your right, you are right. Because as proven by what I just stated is your own invention, you are the god we pray to, or you could have another higher god you believe it. It all depends on you.