Originally Posted by Hug View Post
I can go max 1k and that's it
And I don't think someone gonna offer better. I don't think anyone except of me need it

Well I don't care either way, whether you pay or don't pay doesn't bother me. If you want it for less find it elsewhere
Did you mean whether I buy it or not? It seems you don't care that much that you claimed it twice. Dear, I just explained my price but your professional attitude should be encouraged so I'll step over my my principles and raise my offer.
1069 tcs, but don't ask me again for more, this is my final offer. Hmu
Originally Posted by Hug View Post
Did you mean whether I buy it or not? It seems you don't care that much that you claimed it twice. Dear, I just explained my price but your professional attitude should be encouraged so I'll step over my my principles and raise my offer.
1069 tcs, but don't ask me again for more, this is my final offer. Hmu

Wow, a whole 70unit raise that's amazing!
If that is your final offer, you can leave. Thank you for your offer
Originally Posted by Chaco View Post
1075tcs shaman timer

Originally Posted by Emotions View Post

Originally Posted by NoobOfWeek View Post

I won't accept anything unless it's close to the amount I previously stated, if you cannot comprehend this please stop posting here

Thank you