Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Film is done
Maybe some of you noticed that I wasn't very active in last week on forum . That was because I was making a film :P
If you want watch it :

I know it's not great, but not all have computer with quad core with gforce 8800 that can run shaders :P
Rate and tell me what do you think

Uhmm...that [youtube] isn't working for me, so here is direct link
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i like the camera moving and the effects

only sometmes the camera was alittle bit too fast,that u ahevn´t seen some movments of tori....only some flying parts of uke ^^

8/10 <----becasue i saw a dancecomp video from rutzor and nuthug befor...omg that was epic
pwned by white belts:∞ times
sold my soul for 80 tc to this guy :3
the best non-shader video i have ever seen

i like it


+nice effects
+nice camera moving


-some of the replays weren't good (i mean some of them just sucked...)
I'm [Addicted]
Heh, that's true, some of these repleys weren't so good, but I was under preasure :/ xD
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I wanneh cookie

but yea i also aggre that was a spectacular vid (srry 4 big words i just did some english hmwrk)

and also. War. Sporecc is a girl so u ain't gay for her (assuming your a guy)