Also looked into the actual statistics of coronavirus based on several researchers that I found while at my job. So if you are between 18 to 45 you have (this is recorded cases as most people don't go to the doctor for a small cough or sniffle) a 4.3% chance of dyeing from this disease. From what I can tell it's a virus that attacks your immune system causing you to get pneumonia. Most cases were related deaths to this but mediablew it into proportion of ridiculous standards. You probably already have it but yourahealthy individual and wont cause you as much harm. Those who were hurt by it went through about 2 weeks of muscle pains and got over it. These people were also those who live in lesser healthcare countries. Most likely if you live in an urban area that have antihistamines available and pain relief will be fine. A man from my hometown caught it and hes about to be released. This disease is blown out of proportion. If you do have health issues and start getting signs of a cold/fever I do recommend seeing a doctor as soon as you can. The first 2 weeksare when you can be the most contagious.
I Am quite worried cause i don't have a spleen, making it harder for me to fight off viruses, Should i get protection like what maya implemented, a n95 Respirator?
I heard the news where a 98 year old recovered from the virus.I don't know if its real or not but let me make me this clear
right so they've closed schools and universiteis and forced like half the companies around me to work remote. The toilet paper is completely gone from the shelves and italy has closed all shops except grocery stores and pharmacies.
They've also postponed a lot of big concerts and straight up told peopl not to gether in groups of more than 100.
It has an r0 of about 3 right now which means that each person that gets it on average spreads it to about 3 people. The flu is .8 if the r0 is greater than 1 it spreads quickly if its less than 1 it stops spreading.
People are definitely panicking and I expect to be assigned work from home within the next 2 weeks here LOL.
Schools in England still haven't been closed, which means I'm still unfortunately working in a human petri dish... In my opinion, we ought to acknowledge the fact that a mass-shutdown is inevitable some time in the next week and just do it sooner rather than later.
Most people still don't seem to understand the exponential growth of viruses. There's a cool video on it here if you're interested:
one time i had a hair deep in my urethra and when i pulled it out it felt kinda good ~fudgiebalz 2020
<~Skul> they're not children, they're demon midgets
<~Skul> if you kill one in front of the rest, they'll scatter and leave