[16:14] <pirate> aaa
[16:15] <brokips> aaa
[16:15] <Threevil> aaa
[16:16] <Nikita> aaa
[16:16] <brokips> uboaaa
[16:16] <Homer> fff
[16:16] <pirate> FFFF
[16:16] <Nikita> aaaobu
[16:16] <Threevil> ubowaaa
Originally Posted by KiTFoX View Post
[15:15] <Yosaku> so you want to know why i think you have some problems?
[15:16] <KiTFoX-OS> Shoot.
[15:17] <KiTFoX-OS> Fucking go.
[15:17] <KiTFoX-OS> I have work to do.
[15:17] <Yosaku> you probably dont care
[15:17] <KiTFoX-OS> GO
[15:17] <KiTFoX-OS> TALK
[15:17] <KiTFoX-OS> GO
[15:17] <KiTFoX-OS> NOW
[15:17] <Yosaku> but, i was merely regarding to your attitude
[15:17] <KiTFoX-OS> GO TALK GO GO
[15:17] <KiTFoX-OS> GO
[15:17] <Yosaku> because its starting to piss me off :|
[15:17] <Yosaku> you shouldnt
[15:18] <Yosaku> none at all
[15:18] <KiTFoX-OS> FFFFFFFF
[15:18] <Yosaku> its just your way to express your frustration over some matter
[15:18] <Yosaku> so yeah
[15:18] <Yosaku> what work?
[15:18] <KiTFoX-OS> Schoolwork.
[15:18] <Yosaku> oh
[15:18] <KiTFoX-OS> What frustration.
[15:18] <Yosaku> i dont know
[15:18] <KiTFoX-OS> You're kind of slow, aren't you
[15:19] <KiTFoX-OS> You think I'm really raging?
[15:19] <KiTFoX-OS> Good lord.
[15:19] <Yosaku> your frustration might well be something personal
[15:19] <Yosaku> so i cant know what it is
[15:19] <Yosaku> maybe you have problems with your family? i dont know
[15:19] <KiTFoX-OS> There is no frustration.
[15:19] <KiTFoX-OS> I like to mess with people.
[15:19] <Yosaku> for no reason?
[15:20] <KiTFoX-OS> But nobody smart enough to realize it would take it seriously.
[15:20] <KiTFoX-OS> er go, you're a tard
[15:20] <KiTFoX-OS> work time
[15:20] <Yosaku> well, fancy that, you really have problems
[15:20] <Yosaku> you should go see some doctor or something
[15:20] <Yosaku> after you do your "work" that is
[15:20] <Yosaku> yeah, see ya
[15:21] <KiTFoX-OS> I have a therapist.
[15:21] <KiTFoX-OS> And you're really not as intimidating as you think you are.
[15:22] <Yosaku> im not trying to intimidate as you may think with your primite brains. im just trying to tell you that you should probably see your therapist more often
[15:22] <Yosaku> primitive*
[15:22] <KiTFoX-OS> Once a week works for me.
[15:22] <KiTFoX-OS> Nice use ot verb tenses.
[15:22] <KiTFoX-OS> of
[15:22] <KiTFoX-OS> as you think may me primate brain say
[15:22] <KiTFoX-OS> durrr
[15:23] <Yosaku> heh
[15:23] <Yosaku> looks like once a week is not enough
[15:24] <Yosaku> you know, i can tell when someones brains do not function normally
[15:24] <Yosaku> trust me, you need some help
[15:24] * Yosaku ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: )

Buddy, he's just trying to help. :|
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
[12:32] -->| Uza ([email protected]) has joined #sheep
[12:33] <Threevil> Eh
[12:33] <Threevil> It's not like he should get any say more than us
[12:33] <Faolan> WHO THE FUCK IS UZA
[12:33] <Threevil> UZA
[12:33] <Faolan> GET THE FUCK OUT
[12:33] <Threevil> WHAT THE FUCK IS AN UZA
[12:33] <Faolan> FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
[12:33] <Threevil> ASDF
[12:33] <Threevil> CAPS LOCK
[12:33] <Threevil> RAGE
[12:33] <Faolan> RAAAAAAGE
[12:33] <avwave> hmmm
[12:33] <avwave> whats an uza?
[12:34] =-= Mode #sheep -Q by Threevil
[12:34] =-= Uza was booted from #sheep by Threevil (LACKS COCK IS BRUISE CONTROL FOR SPOOL)
[12:34] =-= Mode #sheep +Q by Threevil
[11:34] <@maddenkips> i just type in madden for any sort of game
[11:35] <@maddenkips> playing toribash? madden.
[11:35] <@maddenkips> playing madden? madden.
[11:35] <@maddenkips> playing rape fighter 2? madden.
[11:35] <@maddenkips> not that i play rape fighter
[11:35] <@Threevil> You don't?
[11:35] <@maddenkips> ofc i don't
[11:35] <@maddenkips> Why, do you?
[11:35] <@Threevil> ofc
[12:45] <@avwave> your grandmother died
[12:45] <@bawt> said avwave
[12:46] <@nflkips> said egg
[12:46] <@nflkips> said kips
[12:46] <@nflkips> said kips
[12:46] <@nflkips> said kips
[12:46] <@nflkips> said kips
[12:46] <@nflkips> said kips
[12:46] <@avwave> said jalis
[12:46] <@nflkips> said siku
[12:46] <@siku> [@bawt] said avwave
[12:46] <@siku> -19:46:10- [@nflkips] said egg
[12:46] <@siku> -19:46:14- [@nflkips] said kips
[12:46] <@siku> -19:46:15- [@nflkips] said kips
[12:46] <@siku> -19:46:16- [@nflkips] said kips\
[12:46] <@siku> -19:46:18- [@nflkips] said kips
[12:46] <@siku> -19:46:19- [@nflkips] said kips
[12:46] <@siku> -19:46:22- [@avwave] said jalis
[12:46] <@nflkips> said blam
[12:46] <@bawt> said siku
[12:46] <@siku> bawt: fuck off
[12:47] <@nflkips> said siku
[12:47] <@nflkips> said kips
[12:47] <@nflkips> said kips
[12:47] <@nflkips> said kips
[12:47] <@nflkips> said kips
[12:47] <@nflkips> said kips
[12:47] <@nflkips> said kips
[12:48] <@nflkips> said kips
[12:47] <@nflkips> S-S-S-S-S-SAID BREAKER
[12:48] <@bawt> said kips
[15:10] * RndmActOfViolence ([email protected]) has joined #sheep
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] <@brokips> RndmActOfViolence: who yoo?
[15:14] * +RndmActOfViolence ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)