[CENTER]Want to join Hive?
1. How long have you been Toribashing?
Response:about 24 days, i knew the game since -2019 through videos but never had the chance to play because of my crappy windows 7 ultimate, had to wait till the mobile support.
2. Why do you like Toribash?
Response:its a great sort-of animating machine because of replays, i like to make attack techniques that come out of my brain.
3.Why do you want to join Hive?
Response:im looking for a clan to join but im out of options, and making a new empty one is just obviously boring lol, and i think i wouldve somehow gotten better in the game by using other peoples moves as references, i just like to socialize a bit.
4. Age and a personal long term philosophical goal
Response:13 years old, my goal is to find the result of someone following one of my tips afer years, and hope its had a good return. It will take a long time, but patience shall bring people to their most awaited days. And to any person that had wished the worse for me, i hope the same of you finding my results and see.