Clan Video
ok, well we tried this and it died, it was in progress when i joined and now its just i think we should start anew.
Why not make a clan video?? all we'd need is:
-Replays from all members posted to forums
-i'd record them all using fraps and awesome shaders.
-i can construct the video. im a learning artist, but i am gaining more
experience with Vegas Pro 8.
This is just a thread presenting the ideas and is for discussion only, please do not post any replays in this thread.
EDIT: I just learned i can run shaders. the only thing is: no ground textures. but i can do the whole video jobby now and it works fine in all different shaders so we could have some sunrise action =D
i just wanna get a pulse on who'd like to represent our clan with a video. we can sticky it with a youtube link on the forum, if anyone has or would like to make a youtube account =D
Last edited by snowkiller; Apr 9, 2009 at 05:13 AM.