Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
i am tradeing
i am tradeing all the stuff in my inv for

Vampire force
The lust for blood drives you as you drain every last drop from your victims... The One.. True.. Nocturnal.. Beast!

Vampire Secondary Gradient
The lust for blood drives you as you drain every last drop from your victims... The One.. True.. Nocturnal.. Beast!

Vampire Primary Gradient
The lust for blood drives you as you drain every last drop from your victims... The One.. True.. Nocturnal.. Beast!

Vampire relax
The lust for blood drives you as you drain every last drop from your victims... The One.. True.. Nocturnal.. Beast!

and what i have in my inv is below

Beetle DQ
Beetles are quick and nimble and their true power is unleashed in numbers... Devouring those who dare to trespass en-masse.

Chronos Blood
With the heart of time on your side, you shall wear down all opponents.

Chronos Force
With the heart of time on your side, you shall wear down all opponents.

Chronos Ghost
With the heart of time on your side, you shall wear down all opponents.
Chronos Relax
With the heart of time on your side, you shall wear down all opponents.
Chronos Secondary Gradient
With the heart of time on your side, you shall wear down all opponents.

Chronos Torso
With the heart of time on your side, you shall wear down all opponents.
Copper Secondary Gradient
The true power of copper lies in its ability to channel electrical energy, allowing those who possess it to manipulate surges of power from the heavens.
Gaia Force
Gaia Force
Gaia Timer

Helios Primary Gradient
Let the spirit of the titans flow through you in combat. Paid: 3,000 tc
Activate Item

Ivory Primary Gradient
Hard, unbreakable and incorruptible. Some say this valuable mineral is matched only by Pure.

sry for 2nd post but i need more room

Marine force
The other half of hampanity. Drawing from the tidal forces by the god [MAD]Hampa. You serve the one god only!
Marine Primary Gradient
The other half of hampanity. Drawing from the tidal forces by the god [MAD]Hampa. You serve the one god only!

Marine relax
The other half of hampanity. Drawing from the tidal forces by the god [MAD]Hampa. You serve the one god only! Paid:

Marine User Text
The other half of hampanity. Drawing from the tidal forces by the god [MAD]Hampa. You serve the one god only!

Orc Secondary Gradient
The animal inside stays silent until it can kill again...

Pharos Primary Gradient
The ancient pharaohs harnessed the power of the cold from the poles to rain a hail of frost upon their enemies, rendering them immobile. Call upon this power of frost in your time of need. Paid:

Radioactive Primary Gradient
The chain reaction of the nuclear explosion only happens inside Paid:
Sphinx Blood
Gain the power of the Sphinx, from the heart of the Old Egyptian Empire
Sphinx DQ
Spinx colored DQ ring
Sphinx Emote Color

Sphinx Force
Sphinx Force

Sphinx Grip Color

Sphinx Left Hand Motion Trail

Sphinx Left Leg Motion Trail

Sphinx Right Hand Motion Trail

Sphinx Right Leg Motion Trail

Sphinx User Text

Sphinx Relax
Sphinx joints on relax
Last edited by MrPierce; Apr 9, 2009 at 07:32 AM.
? i want the vamp stuff i am tradeing all the stuff below it for that and if you dont beleve me here i got all tose items

come on ppl its not all that hard the get this stuff

Posts merged. Do not double-post bump your store if 24 hours have not passed.
Last edited by Chozo; Apr 9, 2009 at 01:11 PM.
Originally Posted by darkraii View Post
o give you crimoson relax and 2grad for all the vampire

Originally Posted by 240 View Post
i give u csmo secondary gradient and 200tc for vampm force

He doesnt have the vamp stuff. He wants to buy the vamp stuff.

Ill see if i have an extra vamp force and lax laying around
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In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars