Мне фрост писал в дискорде то что они обсуждают про меня.
on god i was considering convincing ma bois to give you a test run.

protip - being in one clan and chaotically applying for several another clans lowers ur chances of being accept drastically. Seems that you are new to the game, but you should understand that no clan wants a guy who is hopping from one tag to another or tries to get in several clans at one moment.

You seem kinda fun guy and personally me would like to have another russian speaking clanmate, but for now i gonna say no. Tho feel free to join our discord and try to hang around with us and maybe if you decide to reapply later it will raise ur chances. (I think this is also appliable for [l] clan)

[s] [tgs] [w] [dp]
Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
I wanna become a winner
name: Moutarde76
age: 18
language(s): French, English, Reunionese Creole
favorite color: Idk man have you told your mom that you're gay? (y/n): Nope
is ancient a good boy: Yee he is
why do you want to join [w]?: All losers wanna become a winner
Killer Robot
name: ign
age: 16
GMT: -4
language(s): English and like a little uh spanish colombian type
favorite color: Extra dark black
have you told your mom that you're gay? (y/n): hell yeah
is ancient a good boy: no hes a bad boy, needs a spankin
why do you want to join [w]?: im a winner, and because karst told me to come here
Type 1 if you are edging
i also forgot to add im opium as shit and i hate j cole for de releasing his song, (P.S yalls discord link isn't working)
Last edited by YoJohn; Apr 14, 2024 at 02:41 PM.
Type 1 if you are edging
We'll let cicada3301's duel tracker decide.
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn