Secret Santa 2024
Welcome warbanana :3
Okay recap call!
Playaj as now 21 points!!!!! I wonde who will fund him
Xili has 5 points
Baku has 3 points
I have 2 points
MetroX 1 points
SniperWolf 0.5 points
some thig u want to know
i just wanted to show u 3 videos of my woping playaj's ass and how rubbish how is and im not usless posting just tellin u
Attached Files
coles bt killed.rpl (38.6 KB, 7 views)
decap retard.rpl (24.7 KB, 7 views)
decap XD.rpl (49.5 KB, 7 views)
hey guys, ima finally back, after a vacation, lots oshiz happening, and welcome new guys, bye kicked, left peeps, and OMG WARBANANA IS IN THE SAME CALN AS ME!!!!!!!!!

glad to have got that out of the way, and im hoping warbananana joining will show how good we actually are
Oshi, this is the person you were talking about... Dang he left me to go to you... Nano warbanana will be the best member you have ever had. Good luck!

[200] QI until 10th dan black
5 year vet of Toribash!
Lol jake, if puyying me down makes you feel better then go ahead.

You forget that i have other people playing on my account.
Any one of my friends in this clan knows that i dont play judo and aikido so it wasnt me. And i know ive never fought you before.

But whatever.
Dont stoop down to his level and report him, he isnt worth it.

Thnx ryan.