If he has just waited a while longer.. i was gonna make one :P
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.
There may still be a chance that the purchase has not taken place... and if that is the case, I highly recommend this buy wait for more competition.

Competition = Better Sets
1000 booster for a tribal set?
if u were willing to wait a bit longer i couldve come up with a little something something
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
blagh if i had shaders would be muuuuuuuch better, hope i get a new pc soon, (I dont think so) Soooooo *DO'H!*
What has shaders could to do with you making textures....?
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.
If i had shaders, i looked more ehhm... the pics would be smoother or sumthing like that srry for my bad english and i just love pictures with shaders..