I don't.

I want my avatar to like bulge or 3d look.

EDIT: guys Playaj got banned. He was banned because he was farming on warbanana's account.

EDIT2: gus Warbanana got banned. He was banned because he let Playaj use his account for farming.

Playaj: Permaban
WarBanana: 2 weeks
Last edited by Numb; Apr 11, 2009 at 08:10 AM.
Oh damn it, you guys are stupid. Booster farming i guess?

Well i guess Kordiss better get is ass in here to take control, otherwise its me and Baku in control till he gets here.
i wasn't able to send you a private message because you have that option off and i accept your offer but i keep little vacation off from the vid making. It's like 2-3weeks : )
Mah DA
❒Single ❒Taken ✔Dubstep
Caught farming on somones account (warbanana) in a qi shop.

shame shame shame.

Somone should make a new thread xD

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Originally Posted by ownagehuh View Post
Caught farming on somones account (warbanana) in a qi shop.

shame shame shame.

Somone should make a new thread xD

playaj has a qi shop?