Christmas Lottery
a couple questions for ya

1. what program are you using

2. why are there no shadows?

3. I'm guessing it's because you didn't put a light into the scene. doing so will fix the smooth corners problem.
Former Item Forger
1 Blender
2 there is no floor and the background is solid white, there are shadows it gets darker in the box becuase I have AO on
3 the smooth corners are an ollusion brought on by the subsurface scattering they are actually as sharp as you can get them.
well, the thing is, i can see the still picture pretty well. its probably because it as a small resolution...
Lol food its kinda bad animated like its just moving every where its choppy w/e u wanna call it...Mainly the legs and feet...
i think he is talking about the realism of the moves.
you see, it looks like some parts of his body are frozen while others move a little, with a shoppy movement, they arent smooth.
i think thats what he means.

also, is easier to see now thank you.
Glad to see people are getting some use out of this thread =D
About 20 min of sitting in front of the computer. I will send out the .blend if you want to study it or make it rounded, or whatever the hell you want to do. I don't know, you could download it just to delete it if you want to. Just pm me.

Also its 3d, bad picture.

Better picture
Last edited by Ramenlover; Apr 12, 2009 at 08:55 PM.
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?