Original Post
Juntalis abusing his power.
Recently, He banned me for a couple of days, for a really bad reason.

He said I "made up stories".

Having Diabetes is not a funny story last I checked. If that retarded cunt thinks its funny, he ought to go try finger-sticking himself 5 times a day.

Luckily, I now am on the medtronic 722 pump(CLEAR) and the BG sensor.

If Chac thinks thats a valid reason for banning me, then he should go s#@!!#@!#@!#@

The title is misleading, as I got a pm from junt, but was banned by chac.
Last edited by Hyde; Apr 12, 2009 at 11:04 PM.
It was probably wrong of Junt to do that, but on the other hand, making a public thread probably isn't going to help you.

Take it up with him privately.
Originally Posted by H4rl3quin View Post
It was probably wrong of Junt to do that, but on the other hand, making a public thread probably isn't going to help you.

Take it up with him privately.

Its in support, Btw chac did it, I cleared things up and noticed.

And he also infracted me for making a thread for the north american bus inc. which I had no idea existed.