Secret Santa 2024
how about the bot can say something after its summoned like
but it can be edit by using the .cfg file
cause i saw Fezch's bot is doing that kind
this is starting to get retarded.

this a retarded bug when i try to set its own name I join a server with iBot.

i set the name as BOT_NAME = HimBot.

and this is the message i get every time i start a server.
Login failed for user [iBot]HimBot
Click to create an account:
to login type /login username password
^04iBot ^02TEST ^07ZONE

then it shows me up as a playerID and its really annoying; please help.


Membaof Element|My Sig
The account "HimBot" does actually need to exist.
The bot can't log into a nonexistant account.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
have you made an account named HimBot and are you sure you put the correct password in the config?
if you have dont all that it seems to be the bot_name= Himbot
The Space does it it needs to be bot_name=Himbot

and same with the password
Originally Posted by 3vi1 View Post
The account "HimBot" does actually need to exist.
The bot can't log into a nonexistant account.

thanks 3vi1
Membaof Element|My Sig