Originally Posted by Ishi View Post
How do you set the enemy's health? :o

Go to the Config.ini file, find "DBG_HEALTH=" and change it to your liking...
Note that in a few levels, it affects your health, and not the enemies...
somebody suggest me a weapon for the tournaments second mach.
i tried everything!
i wish i could'a take the challenge again and get the ruby =(.
right now,ima gonna try out the double mace/flail.
it goes like this:i pwn the noob,then theres two more people!i fight one,i defeat him,but the other one pwns me with a "shattering blow" to my armourless copter.
so please,suggest a strategy/weapon/something!
strategy? The only strategy in this game is to spin incessently.

That doesn't mean it isn't good. I haven't been playign it since i got to that rock hitting contest part, really frustrating.
i do that,but the other one pwns me with his pound hammer =(.
anybody know a cheat or sumfin?
i can't get through.
Two words: Vicious Blows...
Only thing that helps here i tell you :P
Get a hammer, and smash them before they get a chance to smash you.
Oh, and if you haven't increased your mouse sensitivity yet, do so. It helps, a lot.
Actually, spinning your weapon mindlessy doesn't really help, "Run-up" blows are
much better, and offer you more control. Stay at a moderate distance, wait for
your weapon to get the right position (3/4 of a full spin), and then do a mighty
swing in the face of your enemy...