Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[KO]Clan Logo Competition
Klan Opposition
Clan Logo Competition

Create Klan Opposition the best logo you can create.

Unless a theme suggested comes up that I/Gumfighter/rollin like comes up, there is none.

5,000 ToriCredits
(I may raise it, I'm not sure yet)

The winner will be chosen in a poll put up when there has been 25 entrees (logos, not members participating). Only 10 logos will go into the poll, and the those will be chosen by me and Gumfighter. (I will not have a biased vote)

-Must be a member of Klan Opposition or and ally of Klan Opposition.
-It is a logo, so I say 500 x 500 pixels MAX for the size.
-5 submissions MAX
Any entree's not following any of the qualifications will not be considered.
Last edited by Buttchouda; Apr 27, 2009 at 11:07 PM.
i thinink 1ce we get enough we should have a vote

i cant make crap so thats y i thought of doing that

butt can u give me the ko floor texture u made!!!please
Ok, I sent it.

I already said exactly what you said, except I said it in the first post.
Originally Posted by Buttchouda
The winner will be chosen in a poll put up when there has been 25 entrees (logos, not members participating). Only 10 logos will go into the poll, and the those will be chosen by me and Gumfighter. (I will not have a biased vote)

Woah that 2nd one Butt is awesome. I just got a ps3 and I have been consumed by the gta IV. I may participate though.
Hmmm...hopefully I get payed from two jobs soon. I just donated all of my ToriCredits (20k) to an event so I currently have .5 tc. But no worries, I plan to have 250k (again) by May 8th. Just awaiting to be payed...
I think the first one is really cool butt.
really bold an in your face ;]
good job
Proud Member of clan DIAF
Can i ask a questions peoples.

Would it be better to make textures on photoshop or gimp ?
Proud Member of clan DIAF