Secret Santa 2024
superkeest wins the helios set for 5000tc
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes
Cancel my bids for tyrian & maya...I got both of those items I needed from other source sorrry
KONY 2012
Added a Vulcan Set to my auction.

Happy Bidding!
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes
I suppose I can accept that bid.
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes
22500tc for gold and blue if you want sell it to me sent items and i sent moneys or say me i sent moneys
wildbox:Nuu stab! go on forum!
Stabberz:Will do Box. In a bit :D
yea that`s a fair price wildbox.

Sold (but since you are getting the 500tc reward for bidding on it first, it`s only 22k.

when you send the tc I will send you the pack

Currents bids of 8k on beetle, 60k on vulcan expire in 24 hours.
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes