Dragon relax
Magnetite Secondary Gradient
Vulcan Ghost (Sold in shop)
Vulcan Primary Gradient

Last edited by P0int; May 2, 2009 at 09:39 PM.
Shop (Óc¸Ó ) PM me if you want to buy TC
Dragon relax
Magnetite Secondary Gradient
Vulcan Ghost (Sold in shop)
Vulcan Primary Gradient


your Vulcan Ghost is sold so how about 16k for these 3 items?

how about 1700tc for gaia sec and prim radio?

Ok deal send me TC and items are yours.

Ok tc's sent

Qs relax 17k?

I can buy it for 12k
to view my shop just click no market links, thanks
have Gladiator, Helio, Sphinx, and afew other stuff.

P.S. - if you want a gold DQ ring click my auction in my thread.

edit i ment a gold timer not DQ ring.
Last edited by Brainstorm; May 5, 2009 at 06:29 AM.