Original Post
[AUCTION] robotic demon head

Starting Bid: 2,000 TC
Minimum Raise: 500 TC
Autobuy: 10,000 TC ( I know.. a little steep!)

Comments and advice welcome!
Last edited by Vex_old; May 4, 2009 at 12:59 PM.
I do believe this a copy and slight edit of a great head one certain Cevius made once.
This may not have been caught if i wasnt around at that point and idol him.
Watermarked and famous.

Its back and under texture are identical, and the edits cover where the face and details should be. What does anyone else think?
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."
Can i see a spinny of that?

it would be easier to tell since the other one is a spinny.
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.